After Module 1

One week after enrolling on the course

Each Module is released to you weekly. 

It takes at least a week for the changes you will be making to take place - from the practical exercises in particular, and then from Module 3 onwards, also the concepts and different way of thinking involved.

I have used this process for over 25 years with tinnitus patients, and it works:

  • NHS Tinnitus Clinics for the first 17 of those years, and then 
  • Since 2010, with patients all over the world using Zoom video platform - the same one used during the therapist-supported CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme 

You don't need to be burdened by pages and pages of reading materials. In fact, where tinnitus distress is significant, most people couldn't cope with that anyway. It will soon become clear to you why as you progress through the course.

Module 2 is therefore still straightforward, and is there to help understanding about how making changes is a process, and cannot be rushed. Physiological changes need to take place (throughout your Autonomic Nervous System) and I want to be sure that you feel comfortable about expectations you have for yourself.

Before we bring about a change, we need to pass through a "transition" stage - where we are moving from to where we are going! From how we feel now to how we want to feel. Module 2 begins to prepare you to move through that transition phase.  

As well as the relatively short reading pieces in each of the Modules, I use diagrams for clarification in most of the materials. We all learn differently, some of us can learn from reading text alone, whereas others benefit from seeing drawings and representations in diagram form, as well as video. 

Whenever I find additional materials that aid your learning, the course is updated.

Two weeks after enrolment

After 2 weeks, the vast majority of people are really beginning to notice changes in how they are feeling, physiologically in particular.

Blood flow is improving throughout the body - including most significantly blood flow to the neocortex (specifically the PFC - pre-frontal cortex), and in all but the most severe distress cases, clarity of thought is improving noticeably. This is after only TWO WEEKS! 

Module 3 focuses on the significance we attach to sounds. For example, most human beings feel calm when they hear nature sounds like sea waves. 

It is also in Module 3 where I start to introduce the cognitive element of the process. Cognitive means 'thinking', 'understanding'. It's about the "meaning" behind our thoughts and beliefs. There are a couple of exercises to try out to test the "meaning" behind what your thoughts and beliefs are about your tinnitus, for example. Examples are there to help you with this.

Your One-to-One using Zoom

NOTE: One-to-one appointments are not included in this self-directed version

All 1-1 appointments take place using Zoom. 

The optimum time for your first 1-1 is during week 3 or 4 after starting the course. You can use the Booking Form - you are given the link to it in the website - or just send me an email. Whichever is easiest. 

If you are unfamiliar with using Zoom, there is some information on the website

Most one-to-ones are around 60-90 minutes. We will have been in touch by email before anyway, and I'll have a good idea about your needs by then.

Additional 1-1 Appointments

Occasionally, people using the the therapist-supported courses request additional 1-1 time to the appointments opted for when signing up for the course. These appointments cost £120.00 - a little less than my usual hourly fee of £150. 

Additional 1-1 appointments are requested by people usually because there are issues IN ADDITION to tinnitus distress, for example, an unresolved sleep problem, a vestibular balance problem (help is available for vestibular rehab), or unresolved pre or co-existing anxiety (including GAD, OCD) and/or depression.

As a self-directed user of the course 

Should you change your mind about therapist support, please enrol on one of the therapist-supported courses. In fact, the 12 stage course is suitable for anyone with a TFI score of 80 (32% and higher), albeit it was developed specifically for those with severe and very severe tinnitus distress (TFI categories 4 and 5)